

At Scholars Academy for the Gifted, we celebrate and educate twice-exceptional and gifted students. We are a fully accredited private school and work with students at their own pace while inviting them to challenge themselves. We are proud to say we have provided learning opportunities for many amazing, bright students. Our scholars and their parents want to share their experiences with those who are considering Scholars Academy.


Our Scholars indicate that there are a myriad of program benefits, which include:

Our institution has a flexible curriculum designed for twice-exceptional and gifted students to help them obtain quality education. We offer flexible courses, we work around ballet classes, have dual credit courses available, teach using a variety of different methods, and don’t use regular testing to measure our students success. We are honored and thankful that so many parents and scholars shared positive reviews of Scholars Academy for the Gifted.


We are delighted and thankful to have parents who have left raving reviews of Scholars Academy. At our learning institutions, we strive to have our scholars academically thrive with our specialized, caring staff. Our students’ success is deeply important to us, and parents are a tremendous part of student achievements. They are what make this educational system possible and functional. Here’s what the parents of our scholars have to say.

Overall, we found that the average PARENT rating of the ’19-’20 Academic Program was 4.5 out of 5 stars with 100% of scholars indicating that the program met or exceeded their expectations.

Contact us today and learn how Scholars Academy can change the life of your child!


We are delighted and thankful to have flexible education parents who have left raving reviews of Scholars Academy. At our learning institutions, we strive to have our scholars academically thrive with our specialized, caring staff. Our students’ success is deeply important to us, and parents are a tremendous part of student achievements. They are what make this educational system possible and functional. Here’s what the parents of our scholars have to say.

We leave our students happier with each passing year. The average STUDENT rating of the ‘21-’22 Academic Program was 4.5 out of 5 stars with 100% of scholars indicating that the program met or exceeded their expectations.

Email us for more information today!


Scholars Academy has made a difference in the lives of those who have attended. The following student videos illustrate this point as they share their experiences.

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Keira, 11th Grade Scholar

Keira has been in Dr. Lowder’s scholar since the 8th grade and is now in her second semester of earning college credits while completing her high school requirements. Keira is also taking a local pottery class as an elective. Keira has enjoyed being able to individualize her course learning plan over the four years that she has been learning with Dr. Lowder.

UPDATE: Keira is now a secondyear student at Syracuse University on the Dean’s List and is active in a s sorority

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Victoria, 2020 Graduate & Professional Ballerina

Victoria is now enrolled at the University of Florida as a journalism major. Victoria completed her senior year of courses while working as a trainee with the Charlotte Ballet. During this time, Victoria maintained her 4.0 grade point average and earned her first college course credits through Arizona State University.

UPDATE: Victoria is dancing professionally with Palmetto City Ballet and continues her studies at the University of Florida. Keep up your hard work, Victoria! Your Scholars Academy Family is proud of you!

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Winell, 10th Grade Scholar

Winell trains in dance in excess of 30 hours a week while maintaining a 4.0 grade point average. After completing Spanish over the summer, to give herself a head start in the 10th grade, Winell is taking our college-prep English Language Arts with World History (modern) integrated class with Harvard graduate, Ms. Tauschinger-Dempsey, small group biology honors with Mr. Lowder, M.S. Genetics, small group geometry with Dr. Lowder (she’ll finish in February), as well as self-paced US History A (she’ll also finish in February) and AP World History.

UPDATE: Winell is now a first-year student at Elon University. Congratulations on your Presidential Scholarship, Winell! Your Scholars Academy Family is very proud of you!

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Marley, 2nd Grade Scholar

Marley is a first-year scholar in the 2nd grade; learning English-Language Arts and Integrated Studies at the 3rd/4th grade level, with a small group of learners from across the country. Marley is passionate about learning and expresses herself maturely, particularly when we discuss differing perspectives in our history class.

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Arina, Kindergartener

Arina is a first-year kindergarten scholar with a vibrant personality that is contagious. Arina reads wonderfully well and is quite the scientist. Arina also learns American Sign Language, Mandarin Chinese, and is learning to play the recorder in her music class. Her kindergarten teacher holds a Masters in Education from Pfeiffer University.


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Emma, Elementary Scholar

Emma is a first-year scholar in the fifth grade, (well, technically she is the age of a fifth grader). Emma is in a small class of seven scholars, learning at a 6th+ grade level in English-Language Arts and Integrated Studies. For math, Emma is learning algebra I (typically a class for advanced eighth graders). Emma also produces a bi-monthly blog that she shares with our elementary scholars (her passion project), has started our Scholars Running Club (leadership skills in action), & is very interested in learning about the Holocaust.

UPDATE: Emma spent two years + two summers with us at Scholars Academy before transitioning to a private middle school in San Diego. She has moved on from her Scholars Academy experience with maturity, skills, knowledge, and dispositions and continues to thrive academically and in life. We miss you, Emma, and are proud of you!

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Penelope, 3rd Grade

Penelope is a first-year, kindergarten scholar who spends her days learning with other 5-year-olds from California and Charlotte, NC. Her kindergarten teacher holds a Masters in Education from Pfeiffer University. Penelope has enjoyed learning to read, gaining number sense and conceptual mathematics knowledge, engages in hands-on, inquiry-based science three + days a week, studies nature as her passion project, is learning American Sign Language (ASL) and beginning recorder in music class. Penelope is thriving and her parents could not be happier with her Scholars Academy experience. 🙂

UPDATE: Penelope is now an energetic third grader who LOVES science and whose scientific vocabulary is through the roof. Being with Scholars Academy for four years has allowed consistent access to rich, real-world content and master teachers. Her favorite memory from last year was our group trip to Washington, D.C. Keep up your hard work, Penelope. Your Scholars Academy Family is proud of you!


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Katherine, 11th Grade Scholar

Katherine is in her first year at Scholars Academy and is finishing her 11th grade coursework early, in February, while training 30+ hours per week in dance. Katherine is also in her second semester of college classes with our dual enrollment partner; ranked as the #1 community college in North Carolina. Katherine has maintained an unweighted 4.0 grade point average.

UPDATE: Kathering is a 2022 graduate of Scholars Academy and is continuing her collegiate studies with our dual enrollment partner school, along with her professional dance training at Cary Ballet Conservatory. Kathering has earned numerous college credits and even subs in the academic room as a facilitator, at times, mentoring younger scholars. Keep up your hard work, Katherine! Your Scholars Academy Family is proud of you!

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Sarah, 9th Grade Scholar

Sarah is in her second year as a scholar of Dr. Lowder. Last year, Sarah completed both 7th and 8th grade requirements and has now accelerated fully into the 9th grade. Sarah trains 30+ hours a week as a dancer, is finishing up a compacted, small group geometry course with Dr. Lowder (to complete in February), a small group biology course taught by Mr. Lowder, M.S. Genetics, our integrated English Language Arts with World History (Modern) course taught by Harvard graduate, Ms. Tauschinger-Dempsey, and two self-paced courses (she’ll complete in February, as well). Sarah, too, will start off her freshman year having completed a college-prep course as well as a handful of honor-level courses, with a 4.0 grade point average.

UPDATE: In her FIFTH YEAR at Scholars Academy, Sarah is now an 12th grader (at the age of a 11th grader) who is enrolled in college classes and continues her professional ballet training at Cary Ballet Conservatory. Sarah has already earned many college credits and will continue to build her higher education transcript over her remaining years at Scholars Academy. Keep up your hard work, Sarah! Your Scholars Academy Family is proud of you!


Our academy for pre-professional dancers has a curriculum specifically designed to work around the busy schedule of pre-pro ballet students. Our dancers want to specifically talk about their time with this program, and how it has helped them accomplish their academic goals.

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Sadie, Grade 7, PTP Dancer @ Cary Ballet

Sadie is a first-year scholar with Scholars Academy for the Gifted & Artistically Elite and is thriving!

UPDATE: Sadie is now a FOURTH YEAR Scholar at Scholars Academy, in the 10th grade, and is working above grade level in several content areas. Sadie enjoys 1:1 math with Dr. Lowder so that she can fly at her own pace and is thriving as a scholar, a dancer, and a young lady! Keep up your hard work, Sadie. Your Scholars Academy Family is proud of you!

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Isabelle, Grade 9, PTP Dancer @ Cary Ballet

Isabelle is a second-year scholar with Scholars Academy for the Gifted & Artistically Elite and is on track to have the option of early graduation.

UPDATE: Isabelle is now a FOURTH YEAR scholar who has earned her second year of college credits this year, as a twelfth grader, all while continuing her pursuit of a professional ballet career in the Cary Ballet Conservatory PTP program. Isabelle is already registered for her senior year at Scholars Academy. Wow, what an incredible journey, Isabelle! Keep up your hard work. Your SA Family is proud of you!