Graduation Requirements

Our graduation requirements are somewhat individualized, based on the future goals of the scholar. We expect our scholars to complete a rigorous high school course of study with engagement beyond the standard coursework.  Scholars create their graduation plans with the help of faculty.

Our Typical Student High School
Transcript Looks Like

Three Distinct Learning Opportunities For Gifted Students

Most of our scholars engage in honors-level coursework during the first two years of high school.

Dual Enrollment; College Credits in High School

We also encourage all of our scholars who meet the criteria to enroll in college coursework for dual enrollment.  Most of our 11th and 12th graders earn college credits prior to high school graduation. This not only saves $ but it also demonstrates the scholar’s ability to excel in college-level studies.

AP Coursework

Many of our scholars begin engaging in AP coursework during their 10th and 11th-grade years.  These courses may be taken with our without attempting the associated AP examination. It is up to each individual college to determine whether or not to accept passing AP exam scores for college credit.  


Our scholars gain skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, information and media literacy, flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity, positive and productive dispositions, as well as lab skills for future science studies.  Our badge system enables scholars to show the world that they are ready for what is coming; whether that be higher education, a dance company, or a mixture of both.

National Society of High School Scholars

Scholars earning a 3.5 unweighted cumulative GPA or eligible test scores with respectable dispositions are invited to join the National Society of High School Scholars, a prestigious honor society offering college prep tips, scholarships, and special opportunities such as global collaboration projects. 

Expectations for Continuation and Dismissal Policy

Expectation for Continuation

Scholars who uphold the terms of our mutual contract including satisfactory attendance, dispositions, and engagement in the learning process will maintain an invitation for re-enrollment throughout high school graduation.

Dismissal Policy

Scholars who choose not to uphold the terms of our mutual contract after an opportunity for improvement via a probationary improvement plan may be dismissed from the academy.  Parents who choose not to uphold the mutual contract may cause the dismissal of their scholar from the academy.  Tuition and fees are non-refundable and tuition is due regardless of reason for dismissal.

Grievance Procedures

Concerns should first be addressed between the teacher and involved student(s).  It is the student’s responsibility to make the faculty, staff, or director aware of any concerns immediately so that we can work towards a remedy right away, if at all possible. The next step for unresolved concerns is for the parent to communicate via email with the teacher.  If this still does not lead to a resolution, the concern should be communicated to the director via email.  If the director is unable to facilitate an acceptable resolution within a week, a meeting should be requested with all involved parties in attendance.  The faculty and staff will work in the best interest of our scholars at all times and hold all adults responsible for setting a positive, respectful example of calmness and consistency in our shared commitment of scholar-support.   If, after a meeting has been held with the involved parties, the situation remains unresolved, the parent may submit his/her request in writing to the director. The director will return a response within one week.  All grievances will be solved at the school level. The decision of the director is final.